We need your help to protect our aquifer
We have a vital natural resource right below our feet. In order to help preserve our only drinking water supply, we must band together and take steps to preserve it for years to come.
What are Long Island's aquifers?
The three primary sand and gravel aquifers below Long Island’s surface — the upper glacial, the Magothy and the Lloyd — extend as far as 2,000 feet under the ground and were formed during the course of the last 100 million years. Water enters these aquifers through precipitation that percolates through Long Island’s permeable soils.
Our supply is not infinite.
Population growth and water overuse have put a tremendous burden on our groundwater resources in recent years, particularly during the spring and summer lawn watering season, when Long Islanders activate their irrigation systems and severely stress existing water infrastructure. Simply put, it is time for Long Islanders to join together to make sure our most vital natural resource remains sustainable for future generations.
To aide this effort, representatives of numerous concerned organizations working under the umbrella of the Long Island Commission for Aquifer Protection (LICAP) have joined together to create this campaign to help guide you through the many easy steps you can take to help conserve water, preserve our aquifer—and save money at the same time.
Helpful Resources
Suffolk County Water Authority
SCWA customers can take advantage of our account credit or checkups program.
Long Island Ground Water Survey Data
United States Geological Survey for data on LI groundwater